Infertility Counseling

We assist couples experiencing infertility by offering support and understanding as you explore the difficult questions.

When faced with fertility challenges, our whole lives are affected in the quest to conceive.


Coping with infertility often involves isolation and sadness regarding one’s social life, family and workplace as others celebrate their pregnancies and births. Sometimes a couple’s relationship is compromised by differing viewpoints and readiness for next steps. How to survive the roller coaster of each cycle in a self-caring and hopeful way involves getting ongoing support and counseling, particularly during the “two week wait.” Grieving, making next-step decisions, moving on, pregnancy after infertility; and spiritual/faith crises are all topics we understand and can guide you through.

You may be struggling with multiple losses or indecision around family building methods or treatment options. Many couples feel consumed by the infertility process – physically and emotionally. You may experience relationship difficulties with partners, friends and family. Sadness, anger and worry can cloud your experience and exacerbate the struggle. It is not uncommon to feel defective and hopeless. You may also experience a loss of faith – in goodness or in yourself.

Third Party Reproductive Options

You may be thrilled to move forward with alternate reproductive options, or struggling with grief and indecision. Either way, there are several issues to think through as you consider a third party reproductive option such as donor oocyte (eggs), donor insemination (sperm), donor embryos or gestational surrogacy.  We understand the issues of grief or shame surrounding the loss of your own fertility, connection to your family history/DNA, indecision, how to talk to your child and others about your child’s origins, using a known or anonymous donor, meeting half siblings, using assisted reproductive techniques (ART) and more.

If it were not for hope, the heart would break.
— English Proverb

We assist individuals & couples experiencing fertility challenges by offering support and understanding as you deal with the difficult feelings & explore the difficult questions. We will help you gain hope and resolve around your next steps in family building. Special attention is focused on the mind-body relationship and the relationship to self and others. We use a self-care approach while fostering insight into the greater meaning that a big challenge poses in a person’s life. We specialize in providing services and resources related to infertility and family building:

  • General counseling for individuals/couples experiencing infertility:
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Male and female factor infertility
  • Secondary infertility
  • Premature ovarian failure & advanced parental age
  • Counseling on adoption and third party reproductive options (donor egg, sperm, embryo, using surrogate & gestational carrier:

Other reproductive topics our therapists can help with:

Is this an emergency?

It is a medical emergency if you, or someone you love, is experiencing erratic moods or behaviors, seeing or hearing things that others don’t, appear to be delusional, or have thoughts about harming self or others.

Go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.